Table 4.

Maxima of clusters of regression analysis relating hearing level (PTA) to fMRI activity: fMRI results of linear regression analysis

Region nameZ-scoreMNI coordinatesVolume of cluster, µl
    Right anterior middle frontal gyrus 5.71305653861
PTA (age regressed) 
    Right anterior middle frontal gyrus 5.71305653861
PTA (working memory regressed)
    Right anterior middle frontal gyrus 5.23275953429
PTA (accuracy regressed) 
    Right anterior middle frontal gyrus 4.61335652862
PTA (age, working memory, accuracy regressed) 
    Right anterior middle frontal gyrus 4.14335652214
PTA and SR-correct
    Right anterior middle frontal gyrus 5.58305653402
PTA and OR-correct
    Right anterior middle frontal gyrus 5.51305624077