Table 1.

Trait demographics and neuropsychological tests

Age (years)67.5 (0.6)
Sex (women/men)W: 9; M: 15
Verbal IQ114.5 (2.0)
HADS total3.5 (0.5)
HADS anxiety2.3 (0.4)
HADS depression1.2 (0.3)
MMSE29.1 (0.3)
BIS-11 motor20.9 (0.6)
BIS-11 cognitive14.8 (0.6)
BIS-11 non-planning21.7 (0.7)
BIS-11 total57.4 (1.1)
  • Data represent mean (SEM) except for the variable sex, for which data reflect frequencies. Verbal IQ is defined by scores on the Dutch version of the NART, MMSE, BIS-11, subscales and total score. Men and women are equally distributed across the whole group.