Table 1.

Statistical analysis performed

FigureData structureType of testResult
2BNormal distributionShapiro–Wilk testW = 0.969; p = 0.0929
t testp = 0.0024
Effect size (Cohen’s d)d = 0.77
2CNonnormal distributionShapiro–Wilk testW = 0.889; p = 0.001
Wilcoxon matched pairs testp = 0.011
Effect size (adjusted Cohen’s d)d = 0.91
2DNormal distributionShapiro–Wilk testW = 0.966; p = 0.057
t testp = 0.13
2ENormal distributionShapiro–Wilk testW = 0.986; p = 0.673
t testp = 0.22
2FNonnormal distributionShapiro–Wilk testW = 0.829; p = 0.001
Mann–Whitney U testp = 0.98
3CNonnormal distributionKruskal–Wallis nonparametric test followed by post hoc Tukey–Kramer method of multiple comparisonp = 0.012; p = 0.029 (10 nm vs. 5 µm); p = 0.034 (100 nm vs. 5 µm)
4BMultilevel model analysisIntracluster correlation0.46
Chi-squared (df = 1)5.5971
p = 0.015