Table 3.

Shape parameters for other combinations of training for low-Mg2+ SLEs

Shape parameter for γ-distribution fit
HMM rangeonset (p = 0.05)Mid (p = 0.6429)End (**p = 0.0079)
1–12 Hz1.8 [1.4 2.3]1.6 [1.3 2.1]1.7 [1.3 2.2]
1–4, 7–12 Hz1.5 [1.0 2.4]2.2 [1.4 3.4]3.1 [1.9 5.0]
1–6 Hz1.7[1.1 2.8]2.2 [1.4 3.6]2.9 [1.8 4.7]
2–6 Hz1.2 [0.8 1.9]2.4 [1.5 3.7]1.6 [1.0 2.5]
3–5, 8–12 Hz1.0 [0.6 1.5]1.6 [1.0 2.6]2.6 [1.6 4.1]
2–3, 5–10 Hz0.73 [0.70 1.6]2.7 [1.7 4.2]0.75 [0.38 0.84]
1–2, 7–12 Hz1.0 [0.74 1.39]1.8 [1.33 2.56]0.72 [0.54 0.97]
1–2, 5–12 Hz0.93 [0.61 1.43]3.0 [1.9 4.8]0.55 [0.37 0.83]
1–3, 5–12 Hz1.3 [0.82 1.9]2.0 [1.3 3.2]0.77 [0.5 1.0]
1–3 Hz1.0 [0.9 2.1]1.6 [1.4 3.3]0.74 [0.50 1.11]
  • The p values indicated are for the shape parameters of the HMM ranges that contain 4 Hz to those that do not contain 4 Hz. The Wilcoxon rank-sum test was applied as this data were non-Gaussian.